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Choosing a Photo

In order to create the best Portrait, I do need a high quality photo of your pet. We can choose together which photo would be best for a portrait. Ideally we need a clear, non blurry photo with good lighting and no weird shadows. I need to have clear and visible eyes. Be wary that no objects or people (hands for example) are obstructing the view. And no filters please, it's important to see the original color of the pets fur, eyes and skin.

I can make some artists "guesses" but if the image isn't clear, I cannot promise an accurate representation of your pet in the form of colored pencils. Just tiny nuances make or break a portrait. Take the patience to get a good photo. And believe me, with animals I know it can take patience. 

Below are some examples of good photos. Great lighting, eyes visible, no odd shadows. Also the images are fairly close up.


Below are some examples of difficult or unusable photos. Some are too far away, have too much shadow, or are too dark and not clear. Some have too much of an odd light or filter causing the color to be way off. Also be wary of cutting off tops of heads and ears in the photo.

Tips on taking good photos

- Take your pet outside, or to a well lit space. Places like dark living rooms can be difficult.

- Get down to your pets eye level, sometimes (but not always) photos that look straight down at the pet can make end portrait result look a bit odd.

- Keep in mind if you want any leashes collars or harnesses in the photo. If not, it may be best to remove them

- Pay attention to where shadows are hitting the pet. We don't want odd dark lines or unclear parts due to shadows. You may have to adjust which direction you are taking a picture from.

- Think about whether you want your pet looking at the camera or off to the side, up, or down. They don't have to be looking at the camera. Side photos can be very elegant. You can use a second person with treats for this effect

- Treats and trigger words that your pet knows and even toys can be very helpful in photographing a pet. 


What if my pet has passed away?

Now all of this said, I do realize that we have pets that are no longer with us and the photos that exist are all we have. I know what it's like to lose a beloved pet, and I will look at the existing photos and do my best to see if there is anything we can work with. Do keep in mind however, if the detail isn't there, it isn't there. Colored pencil work requires fine detail to achieve the specific style colored pencil portraits have. I draw hair by hair. If I have to guess too much as to what the pets details are, it won't make a very accurate portrait. But if I can see it I can draw it! Lets take a look at what you have!

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